Shoreditch // London Street Photography
Street photography needn’t be limited to the streets.
When it comes to street photography people are very opinionated. A lot of purists will tell you what’s right and what’s wrong. What camera you can or cannot use. If it should be posed or not. This is true street photography while this is not…
So much of this made me with time step a little away from getting too involved with those guys… I’m an open minded person and look always for ways to look beyond rules imposed on me by others.
When I look back at street photography I’ve captured in the past decade I find similarities, links between photos. I end-up grouping them.
One of those categories is practising STREET PHOTOGRAPHY THROUGH WINDOWS.
I wrote about it on my blog and put together my best shots taken through windows and there are many.
I find windows offer an attractive often overlooked perspective. Often when walking down a street we’ll look for opportunities there, forgetting to look beyond man-made boundaries… such as windows.
Have a look for yourself, link is in my bio.
Hope your week is going well everyone, I’m excited as today my new greenhouse is going up!
The season for growing my own food is here again. I’m excited.
Until next time,