Street Photography Through Windows

Shooting street photography through windows is a great way to find a new angle for your candid photography. Too often, when taking street photos, do we focus on what's actually in the street and one's vision can be limited or narrowed by man-made boundaries.

Windows are one of them.

We've all been there: A day out to shoot and yet nothing really comes out of it. It's just one of these days, I think I'm right in saying this is a feeling all street photographers encounter at some point.

My solution is often to take a break, sit in a pub for a drink and wait. Of course I never switch off and I always observe, hence why I often sit by the window. And that's where the photographic magic happens… sometimes anyway.

Some street photography here was shot from inside or outside pubs, restaurants or cafes in London, other photos were taken on or outside public transport as seen in the video further down below:


When it comes to standing outside and shooting people for example having a coffee, I always advise not to over-do it.

By this I mean take a quick photo but don't stand there outside the window harassing people by shooting 40 photos of them until you get the right one. That's a bit much and sadly a lot of street photographers do it without much empathy (I discuss this in my article: Street Photography Ethics and Respect). 


I find that windows form both a physical and psychological barrier for most people and many don't actually look past them. 

Would you agree windows are a great way to see beyond the obvious? Share your thoughts in the comments.

You can see lots more of my street photography here on this website or alternatively on YouTube.

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