Wondering how to strengthen your creativity? Are you sometimes finding it hard to find motivation, inspiration and be creative?
It could be because you don’t allow yourself a real break and don’t play enough.
At times we all get so engrossed in what we do, be it photography or other creative outlets, forced by external pressures to produce more more more, so much so that the quality of our work suffers and we can end up questioning it all.
Don’t let doubt set in and take a guilt free break of a day, a week or even a month… whatever is needed to recharge that creative reservoir we all have inside which can sometimes run dry.
Like a muscle, creativity needs to be exercised and strengthened.
It is fuelled by the ability to play and experiment, sometimes with what initially seems like the silliest idea.
After all it is through experimenting and playing around with ideas that I came up with “Captured London”, my new series for 2020.
Some of the best urban photos I've produced were when I set out with no particular goal, through fiddling around with unusual photography techniques such as double exposures, deliberate camera movement, etc…
A double exposure of the London Eye
However at least once a year I tend to run out of steam on the photography front, even if it’s a passion, it can be hard work always coming up with something new.
So I allow myself to stop for a moment, reflect and let the mind wander. Call it a holiday.
In my case it can last a week up to a month, generally around December/January, typically slow months anyway on the business front.
I allow myself to explore different thoughts which can actually benefit my photography in the long run. I guess there are a lot of transferable skills useful across artistic / creative disciplines. These can be composition, use of light, Photoshop tools, etc…
A passion of mine is creating digital art using Photoshop CC, Sketchbook Pro, a scanner, my iPad Pro, my Apple Pencil… any tool I have around.
I draw a lot, be it on paper or on an iPad. For years I ignored the fact I wasn’t particularly good instead focusing on the fact that it made me feel good and so I kept at it.
Practice makes perfect right?
Eventually I got to a point where I started enjoying what I was producing. You can see some of my illustrations in their dedicated gallery on this website or here below:
Below is something else I create. A mix of graphic design, digital collages, retro posters, use of typography…
There is no aim other than to have fun so I’m not too concerned if I’m the only one enjoying what I come up with.
When we take photos and post process them in Photoshop over and over again, as is with any repetition, it's easy to get into a routine and stop learning new techniques.
Even on a break, my camera is never far, it's in my bag next to my desk as I'm writing, "just in case".
But what I find when I step away from photography is that I discover other ways to see the world, I learn new things and explore alternative ideas.
Or as I see it… I kick photography out of the house for a bit so I can welcome it back again with open arms.
I'm also more relaxed which is key since stress blocks ideas like a brick wall. By experimenting and not following any rules I find my inner child again and play is, to me, the key to creating better.
How do you recharge your batteries and enhance / strengthen your creativity?
Share your tips in the comments below!
Until next time.