Cinemagraphs of London + Street Photography

Cinemagraphs of London meet street photography... I call them street cinemagraphs.

Luckily, for both street photography and living photos aka cinemagraphs, London is just the perfect place.

So even though my main focus at the moment is working with clients on sports cinemagraphs, food cinemagraphs and automotive cinemagraphs (well I do have to pay the bills!)... it’s hard to keep me away for more than five minutes from my love of street photography.

Why not mix both and create a street cinemagraph? 

Just for the record, I firmly believe photography, cinemagraphs and video are three distinct things which co-exist and have different uses and benefits. You'll hear some brands selling the cinemagraph idea as if cinemagraphs were here to replace photography, I disagree. And this is why I still shoot still photos just like I used to.

But hey... cinemagraphs are pretty cool after all and they do increase engagement on social media.

Here is a selection of my best cinemagraphs of London streets:

Newspaper - London Cinemagraph

Theatre - London Cinemagraph

Piccadilly Circus - London Cinemagraph

Street Scene - London Timelapse Cinemagraph

Newspaper - London Cinemagraph

I think you get the idea, no wonder they're often referred to as "living photos".

Cinemagraphs bring London's street to life without having to watch a full blown video. The are best used on social media (where they get massive love!) but also as full screen website homepage or on digital display.

Need cinemagraphs or want to know more... drop me a line!
